Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Arthur Dursley Owned by: Phoenix in the Ashes Starring In: Hogwarts 2016/2017
Blood: Muggle-born
Month of Birth: July
Year of Birth: 2005
Year If Student: 1st
Occupation If Adult:
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: Herbology, Potions
Worst Subject: Transfiguration
Height: Average
Physical Description: Of average height and build, not skinny nor overweight. The son of Dudley and Jane Dursley. Brown hair (as is his mother's), and blue eyes. No extraordinary physical features.
Wand: Oak, centair hair, 10".
Pet: None
Best Friend(s): None magical have been made
Broomstick: None (yet)
Quidditch Position: None (yet), probably best fits Beater
Special Ability: Perceptive
Fear or Weakness: No visible phobias; dislikes physical confrontations
