Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Lily Filmont Owned by: GodrictheGriffon Starring In: Law of the Serpent
Blood: Pure-Blood
Month of Birth: April
Year of Birth: 1985
Year If Student:
Occupation If Adult: Transfiguration Teacher
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: Transfiguration
Worst Subject: Charms
Height: 157 cm
Physical Description: Hazel eyes, lanky build, red hair, freckles, pale skin, perfect teeth. A slighty squashed nose from a quidditch injury.
Wand: 10 1/2 inches rowan wood griffon hair
Pet: Barn Owl named Harpier
Best Friend(s): Rowena Araneorum and Misty-Lee "Lee-lee" Burns
Broomstick: Nimbus 4500
Quidditch Position: Keeper
Special Ability: Keeping and writing
Fear or Weakness: Blood. Overcame fear of public speaking when she realized that she wanted to be a teacher.
