Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Artemis Lander Owned by: FawkesthePhoenix Starring In: Law of the Serpent
Blood: half-blood
Month of Birth: December
Year of Birth: 2000
Year If Student: 4th
Occupation If Adult:
House: Ravenclaw
Best Subject: potions
Worst Subject: charms
Height: 5ft 4in
Physical Description: Deep, crimson red hair. Is quick to smile but not to talk. Blue eyes that seem to see everything. Smart but doesn't raise her hand in class. A fair flyer but isn't on the team. Likes the dark.
Wand: 11in oak dragon heartstring
Pet: none
Best Friend(s): book characters
Broomstick: firebolt
Quidditch Position: none
Special Ability: Can make trees grow
Fear or Weakness: fire
