Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: helga Owned by: pinky p Starring In: Pixies on the Loose!
Blood: mud
Month of Birth: October
Year of Birth: 1992
Year If Student: 1st
Occupation If Adult:
House: Ravenclaw
Best Subject: charms
Worst Subject: potions
Height: 4'3"
Physical Description: A short, thin and pale girl, Helga has rusty red hair and a freckled face, as well as startling green eyes. A brand-new first year, she doesn't have any friends and would rather sit meekly in a corner then draw attention to herself.
Wand: palm tree wood with a flamingo feather
Pet: none
Best Friend(s): none
Broomstick: cleansweep 450
Quidditch Position: chaser
Special Ability: can do a great freezing charm, but it doesn't last for very long.
Fear or Weakness: pixies scare her to death!
