Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Janelle Tuck Owned by: Female_alien Starring In: Quidditch match,Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
Blood: pureblood
Month of Birth: September
Year of Birth: 1987
Year If Student: 6th
Occupation If Adult:
House: Slytherin
Best Subject: Potions
Worst Subject: Care of magical creatures
Height: 167 cm
Physical Description: Janelle has straight brown hair. Parting is in the mittle. She has green eyes, dark eyebrows and long dark eye lashes. She's not beautiful, just cute.
Wand: 11,5 inches, pheonix heartstring, chestnut
Pet: a bat called Smug
Best Friend(s): ...
Broomstick: Fire bolt 2999
Quidditch Position: chaser
Special Ability: she's really fast and ambitious
Fear or Weakness: of falling in love with a muggle or mudblood
