Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Keesia Holden Owned by: Scarlet Lioness Starring In: Hogsmeade surprise
Blood: Half-Blood
Month of Birth: October
Year of Birth: 1990
Year If Student: 3rd
Occupation If Adult:
House: Slytherin
Best Subject: Charms and Potions
Worst Subject: Transfiguration
Height: 5ft 4"
Physical Description: Dark brown wavy hair, tanned face, hazel eyes, slim figure, average height.
Wand: Oak and yew, 10 inches, Unicorn hair core
Pet: Cat- Scooter
Best Friend(s): Slasher Broonhoggle
Broomstick: Nimbus 6000
Quidditch Position: Keeper
Special Ability: Great keeper ability
Fear or Weakness: Boys
