Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Rowena Araneorum Owned by: Q.Araignee Starring In: Hogwarts '06
Blood: Muggle-born
Month of Birth: May
Year of Birth: 1995
Year If Student: 1st
Occupation If Adult:
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: Defence Against the Dark Arts
Worst Subject: Astronomy
Height: 117 cm
Physical Description: Small and petite, with long raven black hair that brushes the floor and piercing sapphire blue eyes framed by the delicate features of her pale face. A proud, almost defiant posture. Lond tapering fingers which end in nails that look more like claws or talons. Alabaster skin, pale lips, and no make-up.
Wand: 10 inches, willow, dragon's heartstring core
Pet: A cat- almost as large as a dog, and black as night.
Best Friend(s): None.
Broomstick: Firebolt.
Quidditch Position: Seeker
Special Ability: Learns everything quickly and easily, and has a great singing voice.
Fear or Weakness: That she will never find who she's looking for.
