Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Endymion Smith Owned by: Scarlet Lioness Starring In: Dark Times
Blood: Muggle-Born
Month of Birth: February
Year of Birth: 1970
Year If Student:
Occupation If Adult: Auror
House: Hufflepuff
Best Subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts/Charms
Worst Subject: Arihtmancy
Height: 5ft 9"
Physical Description: Endymion, more commonly known as Mion amoungst his fellow Aurors, Is a very tall and muscualr man. At 27 years of age, he is very fit and active. He has Sandy Brown hair which looks as though it's never been cut (as it sits on his shoulders when not left out). He looks through Hazel cloured eyes and his skin is rather pale. He has a large scar under his right eye.
Wand: 12" Willow, Griffin tail hair
Pet: Owl (Duck)
Best Friend(s): The entire Auror department.
Broomstick: Nimbus 5000 (not in store yet- special trial for Aurors)
Quidditch Position: If he still played- Beater
Special Ability: Stealth and Tracking, Experimental Charms
Fear or Weakness: Patience
