Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Ursula Weasley Owned by: Scarlet Lioness Starring In: The Third Revolution of 1634
Blood: Pure-Blood
Month of Birth: September
Year of Birth: 1616
Year If Student: 6th
Occupation If Adult:
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: Astronomy and DADA
Worst Subject: None.
Height: 5ft 8"
Physical Description: Very tall and lanky. Bright fire-red hair. First Weasley girl since the 1500's. Unique coloured eyes: a shade of blue with dashes of purple. Freckles cover her nose and forehead, spriklings of them around her chin and cheeks. She is very clever and enjoys the company of her very large extended family, all pure-bloods. Never been prejudice towards muggle-borns (there has always been a lack of them around for her liking) or Half-bloods. Not very well-off, by is able to manage and live happily with what her parents earn.
Wand: Willow, 12", kneazle hair core.
Pet: Indika (Tawny Owl)
Best Friend(s): She likes to keep to herself.
Broomstick: Uses a school Comet 75.
Quidditch Position: Keeper.
Special Ability: Read lips, Reach high places.
Fear or Weakness: Spiders.
